D. and I went and voted this morning! Whoo-hoo! That was my first time voting in a presidential election and I have to say that there's something oddly exhilarating about it. You can help with campaign efforts, you can go on protest marches, you can donate to causes, but there's a sense of empowerment at the opportunity to cast a ballot alongside... er... Joe the Plumber (ok, I'm going to change that to Carlos the CTA Bus Driver... and D. the Professor). I hope I'm not kidding myself. After what happened in 2000, there's very real concern about ballots not being counted, and that concern turned into worry that MY ballot wouldn't be counted. So I figured that as long as the machines are still reported to be working, I'd get my vote in early. Apparently
up to 30% of voters will be voting early this year, including
this voter whose vote, I'm happy to report, I have canceled out today.
Chicago has 51 early voting locations, and you're allowed to go to any of them regardless of where in the city you live.

We chose one in our neighborhood, the Chicago Park District's Jackson Park building. It's a community center that has table-tennis tables, pianos, etc. (I heard the most beautiful jazz piano being hammered out on my way in). There was not a single person in line when we got there. All of the voting machines were occupied though, so there was a brief wait. We had brought along our U.S. passports as ID, and I was highly amused that the lady who took it from me opened it up to a random page in the center, looked at what turned out to be my visa to India issued two years ago, and handed it back to me. I told her that she had just looked at a visa in my passport and not the front ID page. She said, "That's okay, it's a government-issued ID with a photograph on it." So apparently, that government could be Republic of India? (I shouldn't be too harsh... these are all volunteers from the neighborhood and I may one day volunteer to do the same thing, but that just shows one more hole in
a process riddled with holes).

The last time I voted, it was on a huge paper ballot that you had to mark and then have an official scan into a machine. This time it was a touch-screen machine that resembled an ATM machine. ("What would you like to do? Withdraw Cash? Check Balance? Vote for Obama?"). I'm not sure if photography was allowed but if anyone followed my travel blog from last year, you know my policy on taking photographs: desist only if asked to. So here's a (blurry) picture of one of my screens.
Interesting - I didnt know there was something called early voting!
It's something that more and more states are adopting now, to make the process more accessible to all. I think 32 states allow it right now. All of them allow absentee voting but mostly only with a valid reason. So election day is slowly turning into election season!
how does the state know you have already voted, i am thinking black ink on right forefinger! What i am asking is what prevented you from voting thrice or ten times and also voting day is actually end of voting season then?
oops, thats exactly what you said, sorry. Did not read that. So what was you's and d's reason?
I voted too! I sent off my absentee ballot last Thursday.
I can't wait for this to be over. I can't wait for Obama to wallop McCain. All this talk of so-called socialist policies and the grassroots voter groups "destroying the fabric of democracy" is making McCain sound absolutely hysterical.
9 more days!
Danny, there's not a whole lot stopping me or anyone else from voting twice or ten times. No ink on fingernail here! Perhaps they keep track but I don't know anything about it. There is an internal database of some sort but it's based in part on names from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles that issues drivers licenses. Certain visa holders and all green card holders can get drivers licenses but they're not allowed to vote. On the citizenship applic. you're asked if you've ever fraudulently voted (which presumes that that's their only way of catching a non-citizen who voted). It's a flawed system that desperately needs to be improved.
I wanted to vote early in case the voting machines crashed later on or some other problem came up between now and Nov 4. Also, Tuesday is a work day for me and D. has a long drive that morning. And of course it was also a matter of not being able to wait any longer!!
All right, Thea! Did your absentee ballot include all sorts of appellate court judges? Just curious. My new fear (I have a new one each day) is that those who are planning to write in Hillary as their candidate aren't showing up in the polls because they're also going to be 'voting Democrat', and if that's the case, then it would lower Obama/Biden numbers.
PS - I think I'm turning into one of those election-time crazies...
My ballot was huge: two big pages front and back. I voted for all sorts of judges, coroner, sheriff, and, incidentally, to replace Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress who recently, and quite suddenly, died.
I too have fears, Mona... But they tend to be of the catastrophic kind! I have to check google news obsessively 10 times a day just to make sure Obama is still safe and McCain hasn't started race riots.
One more thing...
This article about polls just assuaged some of my fears, take a look:
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