Thursday, September 11, 2008

Volunteering for the Obama Campaign

Today should be interesting. I've been looking forward to it for days. It's the first day that I'll be going to the Obama HQ in downtown Chicago to volunteer. It will just be a few hours for starters. I'm actually not supposed to blog about it so I'll be sure to find out today exactly what I can share (general impressions?) and what I should not.

It's 8:31 am Chicago time; we're an hour behind NYC. Seven years ago almost to the moment, I went to drop off my dry-cleaning before catching the bus to work, and the dry-cleaner asked me if I'd heard the news that a plane flew into the WTC. I remember so vividly that bus ride up Lake Shore Drive. It was an impossibly clear day, with the sky bluer than I'd seen it in a long while, and the greens of the trees brighter than ever. Well... it's hard to believe that it was seven years ago that our lives were turned upside down. And it's harder to believe that all of what happened that day has gone unanswered.


flowergirl said...

Good luck, Mona! I wonder why you are not supposed to blog about your experiences.....

Mona said...

I could be wrong about this, but probably the Republican campaign has the same rule too. It would give away what one side is currently doing, in which location(s), and give the other side an opportunity to counter it. But I can share some generic impressions on the blog, and definitely more via email to you (and any other friends of mine who are interested).

Unknown said...

i would love to those mails pls.:) it would be amazing to see the inside of politics in the US.

Mona said...

I've just written more about my afternoon at Obama for America, and will send you an email too!