Thursday, October 30, 2008

The 30-Minute Informercial

If you missed Barack Obama's 30-minute informercial that was aired on a few TV channels last night and are curious about it, here it is, in four parts. Warning: it resembles a Hallmark movie... the breezy small-town landscapes, the sentimental music, the bright colors, and even a faux Oval Office setting. Watch if you can stand all that! Of course it is targeted at undecided voters, but also, I think, at McCain supporters who a) might believe some of the myths out there about Obama's tax cuts, his health care plan, etc. and also about his personal background, and b) who might well end up having a president whom they right now simply cannot envision in the White House for whatever reason.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Was this broadcast that cost millions of dollars even necessary? This amusing short video illustrates the Obama campaign's argument for why it was, but you be the judge.

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