Friday, September 26, 2008

Katie Couric's interview of Sarah Palin

In case you missed Katie Couric's interview of Sarah Palin yesterday, here it is. Katie Couric asks some probing questions and cross-questions her at times too (unlike Charlie Gibson whose questions were just designed for the recitation of Palin's talking points).

She's clearly so out of her depth here and the fact that she even got herself into this situation (by not saying no to McCain's offer in the first place) tells me that she's got about as much capacity for self-reflection as President George W. Bush has. He was promoted to incompetence by the Republican machine by being their nominee, and that's exactly what's happening to her. In between my cringes, I was trying to envision how this interview might come across to her supporters: There are words... right-sounding words... words that haven't quite been memorized (she has to look constantly at her notes during this interview) but that's ok... she'll manage because she's a governor and that's political experience... she's got the know-how... she knows more words than Pres. Bush knows and he's president so that's really good... and besides, that Katie Couric shouldn't be asking some of those questions... that's just not the way to treat someone who's new to all this.
(I'm sorry, I just can't assign a higher level of intelligence to anyone who is enamoured with Palin. But that's just it -- the Republicans have the full support of the elite and the wealthy but they also need the support of the uneducated to win. Thus Bush. Thus Karl Rove's anti-gay/ evangelical strategy. Thus Palin).

1 comment:

flowergirl said...

Mona, I am appalled and speechless! I just listened to the interview. Is this whom Mc Cain could find as the best VP candidate in the whole Republican side?!

As you say, it all just reflects very poorly on McCain's sense of judgement.